June 6, 2008

Well Seasoned

I decided to paint another cowboy. I also bravely entered my first show, the Fountain Hills Arts Council 8th Annual Juried Show. I submitted my paintings in the morning and was informed that after the judging was completed I would get a phone call instructing me to pick up paintings that were not accepted. I sat by the phone waiting for that call. The phone never rang. Thinking I misunderstood how these juried shows work, I went to the exhibit and was shocked to find that both my paintings had been juried in and Well Seasoned was on display with a yellow Honorable Mention ribbon. Winning that ribbon allowed me for the first time to describe myself as an artist.
watercolor 10x13


Gregg said...

You have always been an ARTIST. The ribbon was your first "official" recognition of the talent your family and friends have always been aware of. This is one of my favorites because I can imagine the life he has lived, and the future he looks forward to.

Susan Carlin said...

I just love how you painted this fellow's hat. Minimal and perfect.